no where else is ennui so much felt. The emperor travels incessantly ; he journeys over at least 1500 leagues every season, and he has no notion that others have not the strength to do as he does. The empress loves him, and dreads leaving him; she therefore follows him as well as she can, and is dying of the fatigues and excitement consequent upon this life.

So complete an absence of quiet and regularity must be injurious to the education of their children. The young princes do not live sufficiently isolated to avoid the evil influences which the frivolity of a court always in motion, the absence of all interesting and connective conversation, and the impossibility of meditation, must exert upon their character. TVben I think of the distribution of their time, I have little hope even of the talents which they exhibit, I fear just as I would for the enduring beauty of a flower whose roots were not in their natural soil. Every thing is founded on appearance in Russia; whence it is that everything inspires mistrust.

I was presented tins evening, not by the French ambassador, but by the grand master of the court ceremonies. Such was the order of the emperor, of which I was previously informed by our ambassador. I cannot tell whether this is the usual proceeding, but it was the manner in which I was presented to their imperial majesties.

All the foreigners admitted to the honour of approaching their persons, were assembled together in one of the saloons which they would have to cross in proceeding to open the ball. We arrived at the L 5
