also easily wearied like the Europeans. In welcoming us with a forwardness which has more ostentation than cordiality, they scrutinize our slightest words, they submit our most insignificant actions to a critical examination ; and as such work necessarily furnishes them with much subject for blame, they triumph internally, saying, " These, then, are the people who think themselves so superior to us !"

This kind of study suits their quickly discerning, rather than sensitive nature. Such a disposition neither excludes a certain politeness nor a kind of grace, but it is the very opposite of true amability. Perhaps, with eare and time, one might succeed in inspiring them with some confidence; nevertheless, I doubt whether all my efforts could achieve this`; for the Russians are the most unimpressible, and, at the same time, the most impenetrable people in the world. What have they done to aid the march of human mind ? They have not hitherto produced either philosophers, moralists, legislators, or literati whose names belong to history; but, truly, they have never wanted, and never will want good diplomatists, clever, politic heads; and it is the same with their inferior classes, among whom there are no inventive mechanics, but abundance of excellent workmen.

I am leading the reader into the labyrinth of contradictions, that is, I am showing the things of this world as they have appeared to me at the first and at the second view. I must leave to him the task of so reviewing and arranging my remarks as to be able to draw from them a general opinion. My ambition will be satisfied, if a comparing and selecting from this crowded collection of precipitate and carelessly
