My servant has just entered to announce that my carriage is mended ; I am therefore again about to take the road : and unless some new accident detain me, and destine me to make my entrance into Moscow in a cart, or on foot, my next chapter will be written in the holy city of the Russians, where they give me hopes of arriving in a few hours.

I must, however, first set about concealing my papers, for each chapter, even those that will appear the most inoffensive to the friends who receive them in the form of letters, would be sufficient to send me to Siberia. I take care to shut myself up when writing; and if my feldjäger or one of the coachmen knock at the door, I put up my papers before opening it, and appear to be reading. I am going to slip this sheet between the crown and the lining of my hat. These precautions are, I hope, superfluous, but I think it necessary to take them ; they at any rate suffice to give an idea of the Russian government.

in my eyes, which commenced when I wrote this sheet, increased during my sojourn in Moscow, and long after ; in short, on my return from the fair of Nijni, it degenerated into an ophthalmia, the effects of which I still feel.
