carriages, under this rapid motion, go through all the movements of a vessel in a storm, the pitching and the rolling combined. To resist such strains on a road like this, even, but whose foundation is hard, it is necessary, I again repeat, that the carriages should be built in the country."

" You have still the old prejudice for heavy and massive equipages; they are not, however, the strongest,"

" I wish you a pleasant journey : let me hear if your carriage reaches Moscow."

Scarcely had I left this bird of ill omen when a part of the axle broke. Fortunately, we were near the end of the stage, where I am now detained. I should mention that I have yet only travelled 18 leagues out of the 180 .... I shall be obliged to deny myself the pleasure of fast driving, and am learning to say in Russian, " gently," which is just the opposite of the usual motto of Russian travellers.

A Russian coachman attired in his cafetan of coarse cloth, or if the weather is warm, as it is to-day, in his coloured shirt or tunic, appears, at first sight, like an oriental. In simply observing the attitude he assumes when placing himself upon his seat, we may recognise the grace of the Asiatic. In travelling post, the Russians drive from the box, dispensing with postillions, unless a very heavy carriage requires a set of six or eight horses, and even in that case one of the men mounts the box. The coachman holds in his hands a whole bundle of cords : these are the eight reins of the team, two for each of the four horses harnessed abreast. The grace, ease, agility, and safety with which he directs this picturesque set-out, the
