life, especially for one who cannot conform to the ideas which govern the world in the age in which he lives. To change one's country is tantamount to changing one's century. It is a long by-gone age which I полу hope to study in Russia.

Never do I recollect having met in travelling, wi th

society so agreeable and amusing as in this passage.

Our life here, is like life in the country in wTet

weather ; we cannot get out, but each tasks him

self to amuse the others, so that the effort of each

turns to the benefit of the whole. This however

must be ascribed to the perfect sociability of some

of our passengers, and more especially to the amia

ble authority of Prince К. Had it not been

for the part he took at the commencement of our voyage, no one would have broken the ice, and we should have continued observing each other in silence during the whole passage. Instead of such a melancholy isolation, we talk and chatter night and day. The light, lasting during the whole twenty-four hours, has the effect of so deranging habits, that there are always some ready for conversation at any hour. It is now past three o'clock, and as I write, I hear my companions laughing and talking in the cabin; if I were to go down, they would ask me to recite some French verses, or to tell some story about Paris. They never tire of asking about Mademoiselle Rachel or Duprez, the two great dramatic stars of the day. They long to draw to their own country the celebrated talents which they cannot obtain permission to come and see among us.

When the French lancer, the mercantile militaire, joins in the conversation, it is generally to interrupt
