Ladé, helpe! Jhesu, mercé!
Timor mortis conturbat me.
Dred of deth, sorow of syn,
Trobils my hert ful grevysly;
My soule hit nyth with my lust then —
Passio Christi conforta me.
Fore blyndnes is a hevé thyng,
And to be def therwith only,
To lese my lyght and my herying —
Passio Christi conforta me.
And to lese my tast and my smellyng,
And to be seke in my body,
Here have I lost al my lykyng —
Passio Christi conforta me.
Thus God he geves and takys away,
And, as he wil, so mot hit be;
His name be blessid both nyght and daye —
Passio Christi conforta me.
Here is a cause of gret mornyng —
Of myselfe nothyng I se,
Save filth, unclennes, vile stynkyng —
Passio Christi conforta me.
Into this word no more I broght,
No more I gete with me, trewly,
Save good ded, word, wil, and thoght —
Passio Christi conforta me.
The fyve wondis of Jhesu Crist,
My midsyne now mot thai be,
The Fyndis pouere downe to cast —
Passio Christi conforta me.
As I lay seke in my langure,
With sorow of hert and teere of ye,
This caral I made with gret doloure —
Passio Christi conforta me.
Oft with these prayere I me blest,
In manus tuas, Domine,
Thou take my soule into thi rest —
Passio Christi conforta me.
Maré moder, merceful may,
Fore the joys thou hadist, lady,
To thi Sun, fore me thou pray —
Passio Christi conforta me.
Lerne this lesson of Blynd Awdlay:
When bale is hyest, then bot may be,
Yif thou be nyd nyght or day,
Say “Passio Christi conforta me”.
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