Farewele, Advent; Cristemas is cum;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
With paciens thou hast us fedde
And made us go hungrie to bedde;
For lak of mete we were nighe dedde;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
While thou haste be within oure house,
We ete no puddinges ne no souce,
But stinking fisshe not worthe a louce;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
There was no fresshe fisshe ferre ne nere;
Salt fisshe and samon was too dere,
And thus we have had hevy chere;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
Thou hast us fedde with plaices thinne,
Nothing on them but bone and skinne;
Therfore oure love thou shalt not winne;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
With muskilles gaping afture the mone
Thou hast us fedde at night and none,
But ones a wyke, and that too sone;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
Oure brede was browne, oure ale was thinne,
Oure brede was musty in the binne,
Oure ale soure or we did beginne;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
Thou art of grete ingratitude
Good mete fro us for to exclude;
Thou art not kinde but verey rude;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
Thou dwellest with us agenst oure wille,
And yet thou gevest us not oure fille;
For lak of mete thou woldest us spille;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
Above alle thinge thou art a meane
To make oure chekes bothe bare and leane;
I wolde thou were at Boughton Bleane!
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
Come thou no more here nor in Kent,
For, if thou do, thou shalt be shent;
It is enough to faste in Lent;
Farewele fro us bothe alle and sume.
Thou maist not dwelle with none eastate;
Therfore with us thou playest chekmate.
Go hens, or we will breke thy pate!
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
Thou maist not dwell with knight nor squier;
For them thou maiste lie in the mire;
They love not thee nor Lent, thy sire;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
Thou maist not dwell with labouring man,
For on thy fare no skille he can,
For he must ete bothe now and than;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
Though thou shalt dwell with monke and frere,
Chanon and nonne ones every yere,
Yet thou shuldest make us better chere;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
This time of Cristes feest natall
We will be mery, grete and small,
And thou shalt go oute of this halle;
Farewele fro us both alle and sume.
Advent is gone; Cristemas is cume;
Be we mery now, alle and sume;
He is not wise that wille be dume
In ortu Regis omnium.
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