Come, sweetest of the feather’d throng!
And soothe me with thy plaintive song:
Come to my cot, devoid of fear,
No danger shall await thee here:
No prowling cat, with whisker’d face,
Approaches this sequester’d place:
No schoolboy with his willow-bow
Shall aim at thee a murd’rous blow:
No wily lim’d twig ere molest
Thy olive wing or crimson breast:
Thy cup, sweet bird, I’ll daily fill
At yonder cressy, bubbling rill;
Thy board shall plenteously be spread
With crumblets of the nicest bread;
And when rude winter comes and shows
His icicles and shivering snows,
Hop o’er my cheering hearth and be
One of my peaceful family:
Then soothe me with thy plaintive song,
Thou sweetest of the fearther’d throng.
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