Under the shadow of a hawthorn brake,
Where bluebells draw the sky down to the wood,
Where, ’mid brown leaves, the primroses awake
And hidden violets smell of solitude;
Beneath green leaves bright-fluttered by the wing
Of fleeting, beautiful, immortal Spring,
I should have said, “I love you”, and your eyes
Have said, “I, too…” The gods saw otherwise.
For this is winter, and the London streets
Are full of soldiers from that far, fierce fray
Where life knows death, and where poor glory meets
Full-face with shame, and weeps and turns away.
And in the broken, trampled foreign wood
Is horror, and the terrible scent of blood,
And love shines tremulous, like a drowning star,
Under the shadow of the wings of war.
Now the sprinkled blackthorn snow
Lies along the lovers’ lane
Where last year we used to go —
Where we shall not go again.
In the hedge the buds are new,
By our wood the violets peer —
Just like last year’s violets, too,
But they have no scent this year.
Every bird has heart to sing
Of its nest, warmed by its breast;
We had heart to sing last spring,
But we never built our nest.
Presently red roses blown
Will make all the garden gay.
Not yet have the daisies grown
On your clay.
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